About Lexy Baker

About? About Lexy baker? This is a really hard question to answer. Trying to work out what’s important, what’s not, how to keep it interesting and not waffle on! Who is Lexy baker?

Well first and foremost I am a mother of three amazing children. Yes, I know that this is a cliche, and yes, they have done some things they are not so proud of and things we don’t speak about, but I truly believe that they are amazing and would never change them or what I do for them for the world (just wish they had an easier time). You see, they all have an interesting mix of disabilities, ranging from Autism, ADHD, dyspraxia, hypermobility, I could go on but this is meant to be about me.

They would come home from school or clubs and tell me the other children would call them awful things, do awful things to them and they would be left out of games and social situations, just because they were different and didn’t do particularly well at school. I would tell them that they are beautiful and kind and that’s all that really mattered to me; I don’t care if they aren’t going to be doctors or lawyers or make millions, just that they are happy and have what they need.

My daughter in particular struggles with this. After having one of our ‘grown up’ conversations where she is allowed to say whatever she wants (as long as we stay calm), it turned out that she didn’t believe that was what I cared about because I didn’t follow my own advice. She told me that I was working so hard that we (as a family) don’t have fun anymore, she never saw me relax and she didn’t even know what I liked or what my interests were. This, coming from a 15 year old hurt, big time!

I love my job as a pre-school practitioner, it is so rewarding but the paperwork is extortionate and the amount of time I’ve spent researching and organising activities…. Well it’s a lot, and ran into personal time. Then there’s the extras for my own children. This, as you can imagen takes a lot of time and energy, going to therapies, doctor appointments, chasing diagnoses and being called into school on what seemed like a weekly occurrence (fingers crossed this has calmed down now). Then there’s the normal running of the house……… can you see the problem with the question of ‘who is Lexy Baker’?

So, let’s try this again:

Hi, I’m Lexy Baker….

I am a qualified level 3 preschool practitioner and until recently, lead practitioner of 2-3 year-olds. After re-evaluating what is important to me, I have decided to take the plunge in to a new venture that I have loved doing as a hobby for many years.

I have been sewing since I was a teenager and loved it from the beginning, I got my GCSE in textiles when I was 16. Unfortunately, I did not see it as a ‘proper’ job so I would only sew when I had the time and money to do so. Over the last few years, I have tried my hand at other crafting activities and love them all.  Lexy Baker Creations is the culmination of years of experimentation with fabrications in textiles, jewellery and items that I’d personally longed for but either couldn’t find in shops or I thought was way overpriced. Through multiple designs and constant refinement, this site and company are my way of sharing these creations with a wider audience.

For your information and if you have any suggestions or problems with anything on the site or our products my details are below.
